What’s Going On?

Imagine sitting with your friends discussing the latest news, or your future plans. Now, imagine you can have those same conversations online, right here. Every few weeks we will introduce a new topic and everyone is welcomed to share their stories about one of our topics or introduce your own.


We’re starting this organization to help teens communicate better and give you an outlet to share your thoughts and experiences in a safe environment.
We’ll be focusing on different kinds of media, we’ll teach interactive communication classes, go on field trips, and provide opportunities to gain real world experiences working with different clients.
In our first discussion, please let us know what kinds of programs or activities you would like to see or participate in. We really want to hear from you.



What is the most challenging situation you have faced or witnessed online?



How much time do you spend on social media every day?



Have you ever felt pressured to be unkind to someone?